This turned out to be a very good day indeed, during which we saw
an awful lot of really good birds and a few iconic Indian species to boot. We
began with a jeep safari taking in the surrounding grassland and forest edge
beginning with further views of Large-tailed
Nightjar just before boarding our jeeps or as they are called locally - ‘gypsies’.
First of all we headed out into the open grassy plain and then along the edge
of the huge forest seeing Chestnut-bellied
Nuthatch and Grey-capped Pygmy
Woodpecker – neither being new but nice views. Many new birds came our way
here such as Grey Bushchat, Lesser Yellownape, Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker, Velvet-fronted
Nuthatch, Crested Treeswift, Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrike, Small, Long-tailed, Scarlet and
Short-billed Minivets, Common Rosefinch, and a brief Black-throated Thrush. Moving deeper
into the forest a Brown Fish-Owl
appeared, along with Black-hooded Oriole
and Rufous-bellied Niltava.
Streak-throated Woodpecker |
Also in the grassland we saw Streak-throated
Woodpecker, Lesser Coucal, Eurasian Hoopoe, Ashy Prinia, Yellow-eyed
Babbler, Eastern Stonechat, Paddyfield Pipit, and a cracking male Chestnut-eared Bunting. A fine male Montagu’s Harrier quartering the
grassland in the early morning light was also quite a sight.
Chestnut-eared Bunting |
We spent the remainder of the late morning and early afternoon
inside the Dhikhala compound and turned up a number of good birds with Indian Grey Hornbill, Crimson Sunbird, Hume’s Warbler, Grey-sided Bush Warbler and Black-chinned
Babbler along the perimeter fence.
Black-chinned Babbler |
Probable Grey-sided Bush-Warbler..... |
Below us the view was spectacular with
the Ramganga River and grassland harbouring a flock of Small Pratincoles, Eurasian
Spoonbill, Woolly-necked Stork, Black Stork, Great Thick-knee, Oriental
Darter, a couple of Western Ospreys,
Pallas’s Gull, many River Terns, Pied Kingfisher, Grey-throated
Martin, a huge male Gharial, Marsh Mugger and Hog Deer.
Changeable Hawk-Eagle |
Black Vulture |
Himalayan Griffon (immature) |
Distant Black and Red-headed Vultures |
Himalayan Griffon (adult) |
We also had an amazing run of raptors with Changeable Hawk-Eagle flying over to start with, and then later a
kettle of Himalayan Griffons was
joined by a Red-headed Vulture, huge
Cinereous Vulture and a couple of Egyptian Vultures, with a Pallas’s Fish-Eagle joining in later.
After lunch Lynne spotted an adult Cinereous
Vulture and 2 Red-headed Vultures with
a couple of Steppe Eagles standing
around a small carcass on the plain below us. We watched them for quite some
time through the scopes and another Cinereous
Vulture flew in and landed before all these birds took flight which made for
spectacular viewing. A male Crimson Sunbird
also gave point-blank views.
Crimson Sunbird |
At 2.30pm we headed out in the jeeps for a short jeep safari and
didn’t really see anything new but concentrated on looking for a recently
reported Tiger, but again without
success, although a Lesser Fish-Eagle
was new.
Lesser Fish-Eagle |
We had to sprint to get back to the compound in time for our 4pm
Elephant safari and then spent the next two hours chasing after a Tiger that had just been reported. It
caused quite some amusement to begin with but once we headed into the jungle
and went crashing through the bushes and trees we had to fend off branches
before reaching the open grassland. Well I’m very pleased to report we did get
to see a young male Tiger that had
been hiding in some dense bushes but he quickly ran away and out of view. But
smiles all round and a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
Spot the Tiger |
On the
walk back to camp we saw a Crested
Bunting in company with a female Chestnut-eared
Bunting to round the day off nicely. That was until our first Jungle Owlet perched out in a bare tree
was seen from the viewpoint. What a day!