Breakfast was at 7am and then we headed towards the
coast and a quiet country road that took us through rolling forested hills and
into the thorn forest that is home to some very special birds. Along the way we
stopped at an overlook where Lilac-crowned
Amazons flew around us, Acorn
Woodpeckers scolded from dead trees and cute little Tropical Parulas dazzled us in the morning sunshine.
Tropical Parula |
A burst of
activity created by our owl tape brought in Berylline, Broad-billed
and Cinnamon Hummingbirds, with our
first Violet-crowned Hummingbird
being particularly well received. Lower down the road and a pair of Military Macaws flew over calling
raucously, a Bright-rumped Attila
tried its best not to be seen despite calling constantly, and our first Happy Wren was seen pretty well. Our
next stop proved to be a belter as we called in a Colima Pygmy-Owl and this bird came right in and perched up right
beside us and continued to stay with us for ages, even when we became engrossed
with scope views of Coppery-tailed
Trogon – the split from Elegant Trogon.
Colima Pygmy Owl (endemic to West Mexico) |
Ferruginous Pygmy Owl |
Next up was a Ferruginous Pygmy Owl just a little bit further along the road and
then I was so pleased when Julie called the stunning Red-breasted Chat.
The Mexican endemic Red-breasted Chat |
What a performance we had as two males and a
female appeared and over the course of the next 20 minutes we worked on getting
better and better views. You might say we were pleased to see this bird!!! Even a very obliging Happy Wren failed to distract us from this vision of crimson and
white dancing around the bushes in front of us. One last stop of the morning
was also a corker with several Citreoline
Trogons, Dusky-capped, Nutting’s and Brown-crested Flycatchers and Lucy’s
Warbler, with White-tailed Hawk
& 3 Grey Hawks flying overhead.
Grey Hawk |
Oh and one final, and I mean it, stop proved a fitting climax to an already
amazing morning’s birding with a male Orange-breasted
Bunting – and what a bird that is! A Pale-billed
Woodpecker and Common Black Hawk
were practically ignored as they just cannot compete with this vision of blue
and orange!
Not a place for a lunch stop! |
Lunch was at a beachside restaurant, complete with Royal Terns, Great Blue Heron, and American
Oystercatchers. Leaving here we set off on the drive south to Barra de
Navidad, seeing West Mexican Chachalaca
and Vaux’s Swift on the drive. Some
roadside wetlands were great as well on this route. The first one had a flock
of Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, a
few Fulvous Whistling-Ducks, White Ibis, Roseate Spoonbill, Green Heron,
Tricoloured Heron, Anhinga, Northern Jacana, Blue-winged
Teal, Least Grebe and Ruddy Duck. The second one had a few Stilt Sandpipers, Western Willet, American
Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, Lesser Yellowlegs, Mangrove and Tree Swallows,
Steak-backed Oriole and a showy Pacific-slope Flycatcher. What a great
couple of list building sessions. We eventually reached our hotel at 6.30pm and
enjoyed some cold beers and margaritas over dinner.