Well it’s been a while since my return from Malaysia, so
apologies for delay in completing the story but have been tied up with office
work since I got back home. But Fraser’s Hill was as good as ever with all the
usual goodies like Spectacled, Malayan and Black Laughingthrushes, Malayan
Whistling-thrush, Fire-tufted Barbet, Rufous-browed Flycatcher, Chestnut-backed Scimitar-babbler, Blyth's Hawk-eagle, Rufous Piculet, lots of Red-bearded Bee-eaters, Blue Nuthatch and others.
Blyth's Hawk-eagle |
Chestnut-naped Forktail - again |
Fire-tufted Barbet |
Red-headed Trogon |
Rufous-browed Flycatcher |
Rufous Piculet |
Orange-breasted Trogon |
My primary focus was on getting Rusty-naped Pitta and despite another bout of illness had a couple
of attempts at the wee beastie. I knew it was a real toughie and had previously
been subject to a few negative comments about my chances of success. Well in
your face!! The first attempt saw the three of us at the spot where I’d head
one back in March along the Telecom Loop and we scuttled noisily downhill about
50 metres. Sitting amongst the leaf litter I gave it a blast of call from the
ipod and one responded immediately, but sounded another 50m or so away further
downhill. We waited and waited and it called a few times more then fell silent.
Knowing this could either mean it had got the hell out of there or was coming
in we sat quietly and waited some more. It did indeed come closer but not close
enough and in the end Lee left and Sophy and I made our way further down the
steep slope and spent the next couple of hours watching and waiting, without
any luck. So a whole morning wasted then!
Our last morning in Malaysia saw us out before first light
and the others, knowing my desire to see the pitta, left me alone to try on the
Bishop Trail. Thanks guys! It was dark inside the forest so I headed down to
the bottom of the trail and sat down on a log and listened to the sounds of the
forest coming to life. It was a really wonderful experience just sitting there,
listening and waiting with Streaked
Wren-babblers, Buff-breasted
Babblers and Lesser Shortwings
coming in real close. But no pitta calls. So I walked on a few hundred metres
more and played a short burst from the ipod, and a pitta responded immediately
from somewhere in the distance. I couldn’t pinpoint the direction so retraced
my steps and played again, but it didn’t help as the pitta was so far away.
Feeling dejected I trudged on for maybe half a kilometres and played the call
again and one responded off to my right below the path – and very close. But I
had dense vegetation either side of me and no view, but I squatted down and
waited. Total silence enveloped the immediate area and after a long twenty
minutes I tried the call again. And again the pitta responded close by from
more or less the same area, so I moved slowly along the path for a few metres
and could just manage a small view of the forest floor under a fallen tree. The
pitta called again and I waited, staring intently at the only bit of forest
floor available to me. More minutes passed and my legs were cramping and back
aching – not as young as I used to be!! Then the pitta called again from a bit
closer and from the direction I was hoping and then a shape hopped into the
clearing under the fallen tree. My heart pounded and hands were shaking as I
raised my bins slowly and in the shadows there was the pitta – undoubtedly,
unequivocally a pitta but no colours or features were possible. Then it moved
into the better light for a few seconds and that image was seared into my brain
for all time! Yes!! I blinked and it was gone. I waited for another half an
hour but that was it – my Rusty-naped Pitta. No photo, but the buzz I got and
the high were unparalleled with anything else so far this week. As I walked
along the path to meet the guys I walked past a gulley in the left and a pitta
hopped out and flew down the slope in perfect light. Another or same
Rusty-naped Pitta! Wow!! As I got up to the road and the guys were there I
didn’t want to gloat or celebrate as that wouldn’t be fair, so I just walked
past them without saying a word with my arms raised!! A rock sailed past my
head and I jumped into the bus with a beaming smile. Our birding was over in
Malaysia, I’d had more lifers than I had the right to expect, filled in quite a
few gaps on my list and had a good laugh! Must have a holiday more often – next
year Ethiopia…..
Sultan Tit |
Streaked Wren-babbler |
Streaked Wren-babbler |
Spectacled Laughingthrush
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