Return Journey to Cochabamba
headed up into the cloud forest on our way back to Cochabamba this morning and
our first stop gave us several cool-looking Inca Jays, Blue-naped Chlorophonia, Bolivian Brush-finch, Blackburnian Warbler, Andean
Guan, Cinnamon Flycatcher and
best of all, an obliging Blue-banded Toucanet.
Bolivian Brush-finch |
Blue-banded Toucanet |
Next up was a flyover Double-toothed Kite which we noticed
whilst watching a White-capped Dipper
feeding alongside a tumbling mountain stream. It wasn’t looking too good for
our chances of the endemic Black-throated
Thistletail as we tried a few spots without any joy, although Glossy-black Thrush was new for some
and a Streak-throated Bush-tyrant
was new to our list. However, after much
searching Miguel finally ‘pulled the rabbit out of the hat’ when he found a
skulking thistletail and it gave decent views for all of us in the end. At the
same area some of the group managed glimpses of Rufous-faced Antpitta and a migrating Swainson’s Hawk was a surprise flyover here. We then spent the
majority of the day before the rain came in, along the side-road at Tablas
Mountain and during lunch we finally nailed a pair of awesome Hooded
Mountain-toucans which posed perfectly on moss-encrusted trees.
Hooded Mountain-toucan |
There was also Rust-and-yellow Tanager, Bolivian Tyrannulet,
Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper, perched Black-winged Parrot, Rufous-bellied Bush-tyrant, Spectacled Whitestart
and plenty of other common species.
Spectacled Whitestart |
The clouds then descended and heavy rain set in
by mid-afternoon so we headed over the pass and down to Cochabamba.
No not jealous at all.... lol
ReplyDeleteThe Brush Finch is just so handsome
Sharp-tailed streamcreepers a bit easy now Nick?! Whole trip looks wonderful, wish I was there!
Thanks guys. The photo opportunities just keep on getting better and better. You'll see soon.......!