Have recently returned from an exciting tour to Sulawesi & Halmahera and unfortunately during our 3 weeks there things such as wifi were hard to find! So instead of a full blown diary I will post some of the best photos from the trip. The following pics are of some of the group's favourite birds and probably most people's No 1 (including me) would have been the stunning Ivory-breasted Pitta from Halmahera.
Ivory-breasted Pitta |
Lompobattang Flycatcher isn't bad either and as far as I know, my group were the only ones to go for it this year. It is one of the rarest Sulawesi endemics and only known from the Lompobattang Hills....
Lompobattang Flycatcher |
Following the recent splitting of Red-bellied Pitta into 16 species, the bird below is now called Sulawesi Pitta. We had stunning views of this individual at Tangkoko in northern Sulawesi...
Sulawesi Pitta |
And you can't get much better than this Wallace's Standardwing at a lek on Halmahera. Instead of the monster 3 hour pre-dawn hike i've had to do twice in the past few years, to get to this lek involved only a 10 minute walk from where our vehicles were parked. Lovely!
Wallace's Standardwing |
Wallace's Standardwing |
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