We kicked off the day with a jeep safari into the
Little Rann of Kutch at 7am, a vast wide-open area of ‘desert’ habitat interspersed
with patches of Acacia.
Indian Thick-Knee |
Along the route into the Little Rann a pair of Indian Thick-Knees were seen and it was
within these isolated greener areas that we looked for Macqueen’s Bustard. We didn’t have any luck at this early stage
with the bustard but did see Pallid
and a Hen Harrier before shooting
off for a 20km dash to a more distant areas where we hoped to find Greater Hoopoe Lark.
Spot the Hoopoe Larks |
Sure enough we
found a family party of 3 birds feeding in company with 6 Eurasian Hoopoes and spent quite some time watching these
charismatic birds. In this area Kevin also picked up another Desert Fox before we headed back
towards the original area, taking a slight detour to check the edge of a
wetland where an immature Eastern
Imperial Eagle was perched on a bank and a small flock of Lesser Flamingo’s were seen. After a
few minutes of driving around another patch of Acacia we had 3 Macqueen’s Bustards in flight and then had
further sightings before calling it a day.
Rose-coloured Starling |
A brief stop at a temple failed to
produce the hoped for Pallid Scops Owl
but there was another site I hoped to check later on in the tour.
Long-legged Buzzard |
There was Eastern Orphean and Asian Desert Warbler, Long-legged Buzzard and other
previously seen species in the area before we hit the main road and stopped at
a few pools where Cotton Pygmy Goose,
River Tern, Black-headed Wagtail, Grey-headed
Swamphen, Asian Openbill, Pheasant-tailed Jacana, Bluethroat, Siberian Chiffchaff, and a skulking Paddyfield Warbler were seen.
Citrine Wagtail |
One of our jeeps also saw a Rufous-tailed Lark en-route before we
eventually arrived back at Rann Riders just before 2pm.
Pheasant-tailed Jacana |
Our afternoon safari began at 3.15pm with the aim
of checking out more wetlands and doing some general birding and what a very
pleasant afternoon this turned out to be. A small lake held Indian Spot-billed Duck, Ferruginous Duck, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Purple
Heron, Intermediate Egret, and a
few more familiar ducks were seen.
Painted Stork |
Then we drove to a huge lake that was full
of birds and we thoroughly enjoyed spending a few hours scanning the area seeing
Greylag Geese, Dalmatian and Great White
Pelicans, Garganey, Greater and Lesser Flamingo’s, Painted
Stork, Temminck’s Stint, Spotted Redshank, Lesser Sand Plover, Marsh
Sandpiper, Black-headed Ibis,
flocks of Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse,
flocks of Common and Demoiselle Cranes, Isabelline Wheatear and others. In the bushes there was Isabelline Shrike and a Clamorous Reed Warbler, with Richard’s Pipit, Crested Lark and Ashy-crowned
Sparrow-Lark in the drier fields.
Slender-billed Gull |
Further down the lake Pete picked up a
flock of Small Pratincoles, and we
also had Slender-billed Gull as
Sunset |
Then, with the sun setting we drove to an open area and waited for dark
when after about ten minutes of searching had a superb Sykes’s Nightjar in the spotlight giving great views to round off a
good day.
Sykes's Nightjar |
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