Today we
visited the other side of the ‘Volcano of Fire’ and began another cracking
day’s birding in Mexico with an Elegant
Euphonia singing at the start of the dirt track.
Elegant Euphonia |
A little further up a Hook-billed Kite soared overhead before
landing briefly in a nearby tree and in the same area we also saw several Black-headed Grosbeaks, Curve-billed Thrasher, Orange-crowned Warbler, Short-tailed Hawk, Lincoln’s Sparrow, Indigo
Bunting and Western Tanager.
These lower slopes were mainly being used for agriculture and it was tricky to
find some weedy/scrubby slopes but at one of the first ones we checked, a covey
of Banded Quail scuttled out from
the fence line and out of sight – but straight onto our life lists!
Banded Quail - another Mexican endemic |
Our luck
was truly in today as we found another Lesser
Roadrunner, this one doing what roadrunners should be doing and running
along a dirt road. Fantastic! It came really close towards us and even perched
up on a fence post before disappearing.
Lesser Roadrunner - found from W Mexico to Nicaragua |
Continuing up the sunny hillside via a
bumpy dirt track we also found a few birds feeding in a fruiting tree including
Cassin’s and a Dwarf Vireo, Blue Grosbeak,
Greenish Elaenia, White-striped Woodcreeper, Gray Silky-Flycatcher, and some of us
saw a Long-tailed Wood-Partridge
scuttle cross the track in front of us.
White-striped Woodcreeper (endemic) |
Higher up amidst mixed oak-pine
woodland we saw Hermit Warbler, Plumbeous Vireo, Bridled Titmouse, Brown-backed
Solitaire, Townsend’s Warbler, Olive Warbler and eventually nailed a
superb Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo.

Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo (endemic) |
picnic lunch was in a nice location in the forest and during this time we kept
ourselves busy with Painted and Slate-throated Whitestarts, Tufted Flycatcher, a gang of Transvolcanic Jays, Crescent-chested Warbler, Red-faced Warbler, and a pair of Grey-barred Wrens. Moving lower we
found a pair of skulking Golden-browed
Warblers, followed by a pair of Collared
Towhees and also a brief Rufous-capped
Sora Rail |
Virginia Rail |
here we visited the Ciudad Guzman wetlands and found Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater (split from White-collared Seedeater), Solitary
Sandpiper, Killdeer, Least Sandpiper, Cinnamon and Green-winged
Teals and lots of other common species along a quiet side road. Moving on
to another nice spot we called in Sora
and Virginia Rails before watching
1000’s of Yellow-headed Blackbirds
flying through the valley to their roost. It was quite a day!
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