Our last day was something of a short one as we had to get Chris & Ian to Manaus airport for early afternoon, so we had just a couple of hours birding. We met at 6am and walked along the entrance road a short way, where luckily we had a couple sightings of Little Chachalaca as it flew over us on several occasions. And then we headed for the white sand forest and our latest battle with Pelzeln’s Tody-tyrant. Well the bird won again so some of the group headed to the Capuchinbird lek site and enjoyed fantastic views of up to 8 birds, whilst myself, Chris and David stayed on for more punishment with Mr Pelzeln’s. However, this time after a protracted wait we actually saw the little bugger and returned to the dining area for a hearty breakfast in high spirits. That just left a quick shower, pack and load the minibus for the 90 minute drive back to Manaus. Dropping the guys off at the airport and then into the airport hotel for lunch and a nice long rest to prepare ourselves for the exciting days to come at Amazonia National Park.
Here's a selection of other photos not used so far....
Blackish-grey Antshrike from our Rio Negro boat trip |
Crested Oropendola |
Flame-crested Tanager from the ZF2 Tower.... |
Fork-tailed Flycatcher from Marchanteria Island |
Great Black Hawk over the Rio Negro |
Ivory-billed Aracari from the Rio Negro |
Leaden Antwren showing well on our Rio Negro boat trip |
Plumbeous Kite showing well over the Rio Negro |
Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo in the early morning mist - from the ZF2 Tower |
White-winged Parakeet from Marchanteria Island |
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Zimmer's (Yellow-margined) Flatbill from the ZF2 Tower |
Zimmer's Woodcreeper from our Rio Negro boat ride inside Anavilhanus National Park |
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