Breakfast at 6.15am was a luxury followed by just over an hour’s drive to the mangroves at Manglares Churute. On the drive in we stopped to see our first Savanna Hawk and a pair of Pale-mandibled Aracari stealing eggs from a Pacific Hornero’s nest, plus we had a flock of Bronze-winged Parrots flying over, Groove-billed and Smooth-billed Anis, Grey-and-gold Warbler and a Social Flycatcher. Our first attempt at Jet Antbird proved to be a little frustrating as it only showed briefly, but our second try was much better with some great views. A Common Black Hawk was perched at the entrance to the boardwalk but we couldn’t find any Rufous-necked Wood-rails, instead just had a Green Kingfisher, Tricoloured Heron, Roseate Spoonbill and a Mangrove Warbler.
Leaving here we drove to another area for Horned Screamer, which was seen well through the scope. Along the way we had Grey-lined Hawk and Crested Caracara and on the drive out we well and truly nailed Scarlet-backed Woodpecker. An abortive attempt was made at seed-finches as the stake-out has been destroyed so we carried on to Quizas Hoy. Here we had great looks at Baron’s Hermit, along with Yellow-olive Flatbill, Violet-bellied Hummingbird, White-shouldered Tanager and best of all, a pair of White-whiskered Puffbirds. But we will have to return as there were no Pacific Royal Flycatchers today.
El Cajas National Park |
So we stopped nearby for lunch and then drove up to 4,160m at El Cajas National Park. Amidst this spectacular setting we had excellent views of a pair of Polylepsis specialist Giant Conebills and at another spot we found a pair of awesome Tit-like Dacnis feeding beside a lake.
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Giant Conebill |
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Tit-like Dacnis |
And this area was good for Blue-mantled Thornbill, Plumbeous Sierra-Finch, Tawny Antpitta and Mouse-coloured Thistletail. Other species seen included Pearled Treerunner, White-spectacled Redstart, White-throated Tyrannulet, Stout-billed Cinclodes, and a pair of Andean Teal. From here it took nearly 2 hours to reach our hotel in Yunguilla, but boy the beers were good!
Stunning pic of the Giant Conebill, nice scenery too.