We returned to the Maycu Reserve this morning but were hampered by rain for most of the morning, but we still managed to pick up a dozen new birds for the trip. We began with a Red Pileated-Finch in the lodge gardens before breakfast and followed that in the reserve, which is just a 10 minute drive up the road, with a pair of unusually skulking White-browed Antbirds. In between dodging showers, sitting in the minibus or standing around under umbrellas we chalked up a couple Lafresnaye’s Piculets before doing battle for some time with a pair of Golden-winged Tody-Flycatchers that would appear for the briefest of moments before simply vanishing into thin air! It was about now that the rain became heavier and we had to shelter in the minibus longer than before. A fruiting tree nearby was attracting Masked, Green-and-gold, Silver-beaked, Palm and Blue-necked Tanagers and several Russet-backed Oropendolas then appeared, with some Crested Oropendolas tagging along behind.
Masked Tanager |
Once the rain eased we walked down the road and found a pair of Slate-coloured Grosbeaks, as well as Purple Honeycreeper, a Golden-tailed Sapphire was scoped high up in a bare tree, a pair of White-winged Becards appeared, Bamboo Foliage-Gleaner showed well, a Bat Falcon posed nicely, Eastern Woodhaunter was unusually showy and decent views of a White-flanked Antwren ended our time in this wonderful area.
Bat Falcon |
After lunch we set off on the 2 hour drive to Zamora and the wonderful Copalinga Lodge. This was yet another fantastic Jocotoco Foundation lodge to stay at, complete with a set of feeders at the front and back of the property, trails and most importantly, a feeding station with a blind set up for Grey Tinamou! So upon arrival we went straight to the open air restaurant to view the fruit and hummer feeders. And wow! Straight away we were confronted by a flurry of activity with Golden-tailed Sapphire, Many-spotted Hummingbird and Green Hermit zipping in and out.
Golden-tailed Sapphire |
Green Hermit |
Many-spotted Hummingbird |
The fruit feeders were attracting Silver-beaked, Palm, Green-and-gold and Golden-eared Tanagers, at least a dozen Orange-bellied and Thick-billed Euphonias, Sickle-winged Guan, Buff-throated Saltator, Inca Jay and a posse of Russet-backed Oropendolas.
Orange-bellied Euphonia |
%20-%20Copalinga%20Lodge,%20Southern%20Ecuador,%20Sept%202023.jpg) |
Thick-billed Euphonia |
And all of these were just a couple of metres away. Out front on the bank of verbena flowers several Violet-headed Hummingbirds fed avidly and a male Red Pileated Finch was posing nicely.
Violet-headed Hummingbird |
At 4.30pm we walked up the trail for ten minutes to the Grey Tinamou hide where after a tense 30 minute wait 3 individuals appeared and fed no more than 5 metres away from us. At one point they came just below our blind and were too close to use binoculars! Wow!
Grey Tinamou |
After this we did the checklist and then at 6.30pm drove just down the road where we had a Blackish Nightjar hunting on the slope above us and got a really nice view in the spotlight to finish another superb day.
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