Thursday 19 September 2024


Had a bit of a sleep in before leaving this wonderful area and it took until 3.45pm to reach Khangai Mountain. Along the way we saw several groups of Pallas’s Sandgrouse flying around, with a couple groups quite close to the front vehicle. Our lunch stop beside some small pools held a few common species before we continued our journey through ever more impressive habitat. 

A very chilly and windswept Kukh Lake

I did wonder if we could cross this... But we did!

Upon arrival we found another birding group at the usual camping site beside Kukh Lake so drove past them birded a steep scrub-covered hillside where we nailed Eversmann’s Redstart and Siberian Stonechat

Eversmann's Redstart

Then we drove back past the partially frozen Kukh Lake and up & around towards the bushchat site, eventually settling on a much more scenically spectacular camping location in the mountains. 

Our campsite tonight...

Cosy dining this evening...!

Here we were greeted by another low-flying Lammergeier

Look at that beard...!

Had another fine dinner, with copious amounts of beer & vodka before hitting the sack and suffering our coldest night of the tour.

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