We visited the core area of Prek Toal Reserve situated
beside the huge Tonle Sap Lake today, which involves a two hour boat crossing
followed by a shorter journey in small, 2-person boats. Our main reason for
visiting here is to see Milky Stork
and upon arrival it was apparent there are no visible nests from the viewing
platform which is located 30 feet up in a tree. From this vantage point we
could see the marsh and numerous ‘bushy’ islands where Painted Storks were nesting, along with a few Spot-billed Pelicans. So over the course of the next five hours we
managed to get a couple decent views of a Milky
Stork soaring in front of us, but the worrying thing was the presence of a
couple hybrid birds which are a trap for the unwary! The other major highlight
of the day was at least two pairs of Greater
Adjutants seen soaring over the marsh, their huge size literally dwarfing
the accompanying other storks! We also saw numerous other species here as well
including Grey-headed Fish-eagle, Black-capped Kingfisher, Indian Cormorant, Black-backed Swamphen, Pheasant-tailed
Jacana, Cinnamon and Yellow Bitterns, Blue-tailed
Bee-eater, and plenty of Asian Openbills. It was a long and
tiring day but well worth the effort to see some rare species and we celebrated
with copious beers in Siem Reap later in the evening.
Spot-billed Pelican |
Painted Stork |
Asian Openbill |
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