We began another exciting day in the mountains parked along
the road waiting for the sunrise and our date with Mrs Hume’s Pheasant. Sure enough a rustling in the leaf litter near
our parked vehicle resulted in good views of a superb male and a little later a
female as well. Leaving here we drove back up to the ridge and as the sun’s
rays slowly lit the hillside more and more birds were on the move, beginning
with a few Little Buntings that flew
into a bare tree and several Brown-breasted
Bulbuls. Across the road a fine male Daurian
Redstart was found and then several Pallas’s
Warblers appeared in a close tree. An abrupt alarm call from the dense
vegetation beside us was made by an extremely skulky Aberrant Bush-warbler which never really gave us a good look. So we
walked along the road to scan a much warmer and very scenic sun-drenched
hillside where we were privileged to get close views of a calling Spot-breasted
Parrotbill that used a small leafless sapling for his song perch. As
well as this superb bird, we also saw Greater
Yellownape, White-browed
Scimitar-babbler and a pair of Grey
Treepies. Then we hit the trails and
almost immediately came across a Himalayan
Bluetail on the path in front of us before finding a bird wave that held a White-browed Piculet and Rufous-backed Sibia amongst more common
species. We also had a Grey-backed Shrike, calling Pygmy Wren-babbler, Rufous-bellied
Niltava. Then we drove a short distance and visited a special site in one
of the tourist complexes where a small feeding station had been set up so we
made our own contribution with some mealworms and sat on the ground and waited
patiently. Well for five minutes at least! As all of a sudden a White-tailed Robin
flew in and perched right out in the open just a few metres away and we were
all suitably stunned. As if that wasn’t enough a Black-breasted Thrush then came in
and scared the robin away and began feeding. To cap it all off a male Hill Blue Flycatcher appeared and just
sat there looking at us! Behind the nearby restaurant we again waited for a few
minutes and this time a Scaly Thrush appeared and began to feed amongst
the leaf litter allowing the most extraordinary views. So after an oversized
lunch which we spent watching white-eyes, a quick walk nearby produced Blue-winged Minla and Yellow-bellied Warbler before we headed
back to some trails and at the first one found a large bird wave below us but
it was moving away, although we managed to pick out a Lesser Rufous-headed Parrotbill before the flock disappeared. Then
everything went quiet and our walk only produced Striated Bulbul, Rufous-gorgeted
Flycatcher and another Rufous-backed
Sibia so we drove to a new trail. Immediately we found Slender-billed and Maroon
Oriole which we watched at eye-level as we were standing at the top of a
steep slope. Also here was Velvet-fronted
Nuthatch. Moving on down the light wasn’t so good as the sun had dipped
over the surrounding hills but found a nice Slaty-backed Flycatcher,
Bianchi’s Warbler, Ashy and Mountain Bulbuls and heard a Bay Woodpecker before returning to the
White-tailed Robin |
Spot-breasted Parrotbill |
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