This was a day that brought us 17 species of warbler and
was, in fact, very slow going all round until the final early evening session
at Blue Heron Trail. We began the day with a Bald Eagle flying over the car park before getting the tram down to
the tip in a howling gale.
Bald Eagle |
The high winds, coupled with freezing cold
conditions meant all the birds were on the sheltered eastern side of the tip.
There was nothing new to report but it was amazing to see all of the hirundines
sheltering on the beach, so take a look at these pics…
Barn Swallow |
Northern Rough-winged and Tree Swallows |
Cliff Swallows |
So we walked back up to the Visitor Centre but didn’t get
anything new, apart from some really close views of migrants.
Nashville Warbler |
But in the
afternoon Viv, Keith & Margaret twitched a Piping Plover back at the tip and also got a Philadelphia Vireo. Whilst Gladys and I walked the Tilden Trail and
had Swainson’s,
Veery and our first Hermit Thrush
feeding in the leaf litter.
Swainson's Thrush |
Another visit to the tip resulted in more close views of Blackburnian,
Black-throated Green, Magnolia
and Nashville
Warblers but there was no afternoon fall.
Blackburnian Warbler - my fave! |
Magnolia Warbler |
So a great move then to go
to Blue Heron where it was jumping. Our first Bay-breasted Warbler and Northern
Waterthrush were here, and we also had Wilson’s and Parula
Warblers and many Common Yellowthroats, plus all the usual more
common warblers.
Wilson's Warbler |
Common Yellowthroat |
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