To continue on from the last post, i've just got too many photos to put in one post - so here's the rest of our day......
Worm-eating Warbler |
Then it was up to Spice Bush Trail as the Worm-eating Warbler was showing, but not when we arrived. But we only had to wait 20 minutes or so and there it was. We were also entertained by some close warblers and especially this Ovenbirds here.
Ovenbird |
A short drive then took us over to the Horse Paddock or something like that where we couldn’t locate a reported Hooded Warbler, but did get me a lifer in the shape of a Rusty Blackbird – not too stunning but a bird I’d often wondered if I would ever see. A Wood Thrush was also nice here.
Rusty Blackbird - oh yes! |
Back down at Spice Bush Trail we stopped to see if anything was occurring and jammed into a mega fall of Yellow-rumped, Blackburnian and some Black-throated Blue Warblers. They were passing through in waves and appeared so tired as they fed close to the ground. I was very pleased with these results…! Our first Parula Warbler was here as well, and another Palm Warbler was cool.
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Blackburnian Warbler |
Blackburnian Warbler |
Black-throated Blue Warbler |
Ended the day back down at South Point Trail where a pair of Brown Thrashers, Field Sparrow, Northern Flicker, Veery and Swainson’s Thrushes, Willow Flycatcher and a Common Yellowthroat brought a conclusion to a great day.
Field Sparrow |
Brown Thrasher |
Ok so enough eye-candy for today....!
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