Having a SatNav really helps and we found our way
to Patagonia Lake State Park via a series of ‘back roads’ early this morning.
Oh we had another cracking breakfast in a diner close to the motel although
having to choose between 4 different types of bread and which one of a million
ways to have my eggs was a little taxing so early in the day..!! Anyway, upon
arrival we paid of entrance fee and parked at the far end of the camping area
right a the start of the well-signposted Birding Trail. Our main target was the
rare Black-capped Gnatcatcher that
had been reported here for several days, but the only directions we had was
that the bird about halfway along the trail……… Mmmm….
So we followed the path, scanning the lake where
our first Spotted Sandpiper and Double-crested Cormorants were scoped,
a Common Yellowthroat showed briefly
and there was a bunch of other common stuff I don’t really recall. The first
patch of tall mesquite held a Cassin’s
Vireo, which showed up just as we were watching a Warbling Vireo. There was also Wilson’s
and Yellow Warblers, as well as Song, Lincoln’s and some White-crowned
Sparrows here. The path dropped down to the lakeside where several Summer Tanagers and Vermilion Flycatchers were displaying
and then went across an open area and into another tall patch of Mesquite. It
was here that I found the Black-capped
Gnatcatcher and spent several enjoyable minutes watching it feed above us.
I did spot a Macgillivray’s Warbler skulking
under a bush on the hillside behind us just at the moment that the gnatcatcher
appeared but focussed on the tiny grey and black sprite bobbing about the
canopy right next to us. Good views of Lucy’s
Warbler, Verdin and Bell’s Vireo at the same spot were also
much appreciated.
The rare Black-capped Gnatcatcher - note the white undertail. |
We did walk out onto the hillside to look for the
warbler but failed relocate it, although the gnatcatcher gave further views,
this time incredibly close and almost too close to focus our bins and cameras
on. So what a result and with the day warming up we decided to return to the
Sora |
Along the way we had a nice close Sora,
some Mexican Ducks, Cinnamon and Blue-winged Teal, and a weird-looking Antelope Jackrabbit. Driving out of the park we spotted a Grey Hawk perched in a bare tree.
From here we headed the short distance to Patagonia
and made the pilgrimage to the Paton Centre for Hummingbirds where we hoped to
see the reported Violet-crowned
Hummingbird, here at its only known stakeout in the U.S. Well we hadn’t sat
down in the seating area for more than 5 minutes before a fine male appeared
and began feeding at one of the red hummer feeders set out in a nearby tree. We
saw him a couple more times during our stay and he sure was a stunner.
Violet-crowned Hummingbird. |
From the seating area you can watch a variety of
feeders, bird tables, some brush piles and open grass where we were astounded
by the sheer numbers of birds. The hummer feeders were also attracting Anna’s and Black-chinned Hummingbirds as well. Our first Abert’s Towhee was rather cool skulking around a pile of branches
laid out on the floor, and there were also Inca
Doves, Lark Sparrows and a bunch
of Gambel’s Quails feeding on some
seed on the floor .
Lark Sparrow |
Gambel's Quail |
On the other feeders flocks of Pine Siskins, House Finches,
Black-headed Grosbeak and even a few
Lazuli Buntings were present, with
also Acorn Woodpecker and a Curve-billed Thrasher joining in the
fun. Surrounding trees held Audubon’s
Warbler, Northern
Beardless-Tyrannulet, Western
Kingbird and others but after an hour or so we needed food and retired to
the nearby Gathering Grounds Restaurant. The sleepy hamlet of Patagonia has a
lovely, quaint old town feel about it and the food was outstanding.
Pine Siskins |
Black-headed Grosbeak |
Lazuli Bunting |
Acorn Woodpecker |
Curve-billed Thrasher |
Afterwards we drove just a few minutes away to Sonoita
Creek Preserve, checked in and walked along the trails, finding another male Violet-crowned Hummer on their feeders.
Along the creek we hoped to find a reported Thick-billed Kingbird but the wind was picking up and I wasn’t that
confident. A ‘needle in a haystack’ sprang to mind but fortunately I picked up
the call and sure enough there it was, perched high up in a huge bare tree
after only a 20 minute walk along the open trail. We had great views in the
scope and I was mightily relieved, but as luck would have it the bird flew
towards us and perched right overhead as we were sitting in the shade on a well
positioned bench.
Thick-billed Kingbird - another SE Arizona speciality. |
The only other birds of note were Green-tailed Towhee and Dark-eyed
Junco so we headed out, calling back in at the Paton’s for one final look.
With nothing new on offer our drive took us maybe an hour away across rolling
grasslands to the modern town of Sierra Vista, which is nestled at the base of
the Huachuca Mountains where we are booked in at the Hampton Inn for 3 nights.
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