A windy day of snow flurries (yes snow….) and temperatures
hovering around 0 degrees and I can tell you that birding was really tough today - and being more used to steamy rainforests and tropical climes I did suffer this morning. We probably reached the
point the earliest of our entire stay to see the waves crashing over the
western side of the promontory and a howling gale making finding birds
impossible. Nice!
Point Pelee today - bleak or what? |
Hirundines were using the leeward beach to rest and hunt for
insects and we had very close views of Cliff
Swallows, and this bunch of Sand
Martins looking very sorry for themselves as well.
Cliff Swallow |
Sand Martins (or Bank Swallows if you like) |
There was also a flyover
Western Osprey, Sharp-shinned Hawk and Cedar
Waxwing, plus a few Bonaparte's Gulls of the point.
Bonaparte's Gulls |
Still we persevered and eventually after a wait a few of us had
views of the female Prairie Warbler
that had been found yesterday whilst we were at Rondeau (our 32nd
species of warbler so far). But the high winds made it very tricky to see this
bird and it soon disappeared, so we went for coffee and a chance to recover
from the weather. Then we returned to the point and found the sun was out and even
the wind had abated, so the Prairie
Warbler had relocated to a more sheltered spot and showed very well indeed,
along with Canada and Blackpoll Warblers practically in the
same bush.
Prairie Warbler - a scarce bird up here |
We then took the tram to the midpoint stop and walked the Woodland
Trail getting news of a Connecticut
Warbler further along the trail, so of course we headed straight there but
as it is ‘near-mythical’ and practically invisible and impossible to see – well
we didn’t see it.
Still not bored with Prothonotary Warbler yet... |
But point-blank views of Prothonotary
Warbler was a little compensation and the Great Horned Owl chick was a little more showy as well.
Yep - it's a Great Horned Owl alright... |
So after lunch at the VC we tried again along the
Woodland Trail and staked out the Connecticut Warbler spot, seeing Scarlet Tanager, Tennessee Warbler and Acadian
Flycatcher before heading over to Tilden Woods where Lee found us a Grey-cheeked Thrush.
Plenty of Scarlet Tanagers around today |
Grey-cheeked Thrush - the only one seen on our tour.. |
Then we drove to
the Route 33 wader pools but nothing new was on offer, but still nice to have a
look at Semipalmated Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper and Short-billed Dowitcher before getting
to the motel at 5pm for a nice long rest before dinner.
Eastern Phoebe |
Lincoln's Sparrow |
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