Saturday 10 August 2024


Up early of course and targeting some really tough, skulking species. We drove just over an hour to a tea plantation and pretty quickly found a Long-billed Forest Warbler which showed very well, even allowing us some decent record shots. 

Long-billed Forest Warbler

But that only served to lull us into a false sense of security as we toiled for another 6 hours, making repeated attempts at finding a Sharpe’s Akalat. But first we added Long-crested Eagle, Black Cuckooshrike, Pale Batis, Violet-backed Starling and Mountain Wagtail to our growing trip list. At the forest warbler spot we also had prolonged views of White-browed Robin-Chat, as well as Moustached Tinkerbird, Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird, Olive Sunbird, Green-headed Oriole and a White-tailed Crested Flycatcher

White-browed Robin-chat

Sadly, Kretschmer’s Longbill didn’t play ball today! Moving on, we had a really long walk to get to the Sharpe’s Akalat spot as the forest road was blocked by a couple of fallen trees and as I’ve already stated we made numerous attempts at calling one in – maybe around 20 tries! Eventually, one appeared when we had all but given up on our walk back to the vehicle. I even managed to scope it perched on a fallen tree for some of the group, but this individual hung around for ages and we were treated to repeated views. Oh yes! 

Sharpe's Akalat

A Grey Cuckooshrike was also new for the trip along this road, as was Lowland Tiny Greenbul, Square-tailed Drongo and Yellow-streaked Greenbul.


I think it was something like 2.30pm when we arrived back at the digs for lunch and we were out again at 3.30pm, to a new spot for Kretschmer’s Longbill. A Palm-nut Vulture and Long-crested Eagle soared over the lodge shortly after lunch and Abdul took us to his spot for Green Tinkerbird that gave mind-blowing views.  

Green Tinkerbird

Again, we didn’t find the longbill, but did have a few African Green-Pigeons, a spectacular Fischer’s Turaco, Red-tailed Ant-Thrush, African Broadbill for myself & David, and several Black-bellied Starlings. This evening Aidan and I took a walk to look for the elusive eagle-owl without any luck, but we met up with Abdul & some local guys and were treated to six different species of chameleon. Amazing!

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