Wednesday 14 August 2024


What a night that had been, with Fraser’s Eagle-Owl starting to call at 10:20pm but despite an hour’s attempt I couldn’t locate it in the dense forest. Following that, and between the excessively loud snoring there was some crazy animal calls all through the night. When we met for coffee at 6.30pm the forest was just waking up and we heard Uluguru Bushshrike again but didn’t see it. We had a short walk and tried calling in White-chested Alethe and Orange Ground-Robin but we only heard a distant robin and no sign of the alethe. So after breakfast we packed up camp and started the hike back down to the football pitch in Tegtero Village where we had parked the vehicle. 

Bertram's Weaver

It was a very steep descent until we reached the small stream, after which the trail became undulating and far more manageable. An African Yellow Warbler was seen on the way down and we more importantly had excellent views of a pair of Bertram’s Weavers before reaching the vehicle. A long drive back to Morogoro followed where we enjoyed lunch before driving around to the other side of the Uluguru Mountains to Bunduki village, along a torturously rough road, but we had fun pitching out own tents beside the fast-flowing river. There's something about sipping beer in front of a camp fire, with a bit of banter and musings about what tomorrow would bring...

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