It was rather chilly as we stood in the cold early morning
air waiting for Blue
Eared-Pheasant to appear at Baxi Forest. I think we got there a
little bit too early but as it got lighter birds started to appear, with Kessler’s and Chestnut Thrushes, Godlewski’s
Bunting, Black-eared Kites, Daurian Jackdaw, Eurasian Cuckoo and others to keep us occupied during the
stake-out. The sound of birds singing from the valley below us was phenomenal
and it is wonderful to listen to the forest waking up, even if you can’t feel
your fingers!
Blue Eared-Pheasant |
Anyway, scopes were trained on the opposite hillside for the big
blue one to appear when all of a sudden there’s a flurry of wings and the
pheasant flies in and lands on the slope below us. It’s the closest and far and
away the best view I’ve ever had of this stunning bird. It remains for a good
twenty minutes, feeding quietly on the slope below us before walking sedately
away into the forest. Wow!
Chinese Nuthatch |
Przewalski's Nuthatch |
We leave here and drive to a favourite part of this
lovely forest and within just a few minutes a Chinese Nuthatch flies in and lands
right above us and we get excellent views. Then I’m sure I’ve got a response
from Przewalski’s
Nuthatch and sure enough just a few conifers away there it is! A
huge double-whammy and smiles all around – the only shame is I’ve got the
settings on my camera wrong and these pics are taken on 1000 iso! Just then
some movement in a near bush leads us to a pair of Siskins which I assumed were
Eurasians, but then two adult Tibetan Siskins materialise in the same bush! So
not sure about these dark, streaky siskins now…?
Tibetan Siskin |
So we are on a roll and
walk into the forest where a high pitched noise has us freezing. Surely it can't
be Chinese Grouse? I leg it around
in a large loop to try and flush it towards my group, but as I hit a trail
going in the right direction something scuttles off up ahead and there’s the
grouse (in fact 3 of them). So here’s the dilemma – do I take the photo before
getting the group? Well I didn’t and backed off slowly before running down to
the group, passing a Sichuan Jay on
the way (what?!) and we go on a grouse hunt, but to no avail, although a Black Woodpecker is some compensation.
So I’m thinking we should return early doors tomorrow.
Well, we are positively buoyed by our success and head off
to a nice little valley where I want to get Gansu Leaf-warbler but the weather is having other ideas. We are
now experiencing cold weather and drizzle. This isn’t good for singing warblers
but within 100m of our walk along the track there’s one calling, but it doesn’t
play ball at all. Further along another sings but unlike last year when they
went mad at my ipod this time they don’t respond. But after a while one comes
in and calls a little and we get decent looks at it. Further along the track we
get a surprise in a Pallas’s
Leaf-warbler, plus a few other things like Godlewski’s Bunting, Common
Rosefinch etc. But there’s not a lot else and as we walk back the heavens
open and it pours down, getting us soaking wet.
So after lunch at a local restaurant, a quick few minutes
back at the hotel to change into drier clothes and we’re off to Flower Lake
with blue skies all of a sudden. I’m feeling the pressure to find snowfinches
along the road and wondering just how this will pan out. Lucky for me then that
something flies up from the roadside and we screech to a halt and reverse and
wow, there’s a Rufous-necked
Rufous-necked Snowfinch |
A mad minute of giving directions to a bird 30 yards away
ensues before calm returns and then I spot a White-rumped Snowfinch further away.
Amazingly both species prove to be common along the road this year, with the
latter species especially so.
White-rumped Snowfinch |
We watch our first ones for a while and really
enjoy watching the snowfinches chasing the Pikas from their burrows.
Pika |
Marmot - "Eric, Eric Eric..." |
Up at the lake we take the parks bus 3kms down to the
boardwalk and spend an enjoyable time scanning the water and marshes,
surrounded by fantastic wide open grasslands complimented by huge snow-capped
mountains on the horizon.
Out on the lake we get Red-crested Pochard, Ferruginous
Duck, Greylag Goose and other common things. A Great Bittern flying over the marsh is a bit bizarre, and another
heard booming surely means they breed here. A Purple Heron and a few White-winged
Terns are new for the tour, whilst lots of egrets, Black-necked Cranes, Lesser
Sandplovers, Tibetan Wagtails, Tibetan Larks, Common Terns and others make for a rewarding time here. A late
migrant Arctic Warbler sheltering
under the boardwalk was truly bizarre and just goes to show you never know what
to expect here. As we drive back to the hotel a few Upland Buzzards are noted and we arrive back tired but very happy
with the day.