We drove a short distance to a nice open forest and walked
along a dirt track and very quickly found a Jerdon’s Bushlark which I called in and then scoped on top of a
small tree. It was nice views after yesterday’s events when rain stopped play.
Then we continued our walk further along the track and picked up lots of Brahminy Starlings
and eventually a few Rosy Starlings
and Grey-headed Starlings as well.
Brahminy Starlings |
Overhead both Indian
and White-rumped Vultures were
soaring around and towards the end of our walk we also saw a very low flying Red-headed Vulture.
Indian Vulture |
Red-headed Vulture |
Continuing the raptor theme and a Shaheen
flew over – although only a race of Peregrine
it was still nice to see. Flocks of Yellow-footed
Green-pigeons were perched up nicely in the trees and Chris picked up a Brown-headed Barbet. As we were just
about finished with our walk a wonderful White-bellied
Minivet was spotted and everyone saw it very well. We also came across a
lone Gaur crashing through the
scrub, had a brief look at a Grey-headed
Bulbul and White-rumped Shama,
saw a Yellow-eyed Babbler very well,
several Common Rosefinches and had reasonably close view of a Sykes’s
Yellow-eyed Babbler |
Leaving Jungle Huts behind we set off on the drive north to
Nagarhole, which was long and tedious but enlivened, inevitably, by some good
new birds for the list. So we added Ashy-crowned
Sparrow-lark and Indian Black Ibis
and saw plenty of other commoner things.
Eventually after a four and a half hour drive we arrived at
the wonderful Kabini River Lodge, and by now it was almost 2.45pm so went
straight for lunch and then right onto the boat for our ‘safari’ along the huge
reservoir. This turned out to be pretty good with hundreds of River Terns
present, along with a few Whiskered
River Tern |
Some small islands held lots of Pygmy and Indian Cormorants, Oriental Darters, with a few Great Cormorants as well. Black-headed Ibis, Asian Openbill, Eurasian Spoonbills, a few Painted Storks, Purple
and Grey Herons, and Black-crowned Night-herons all added to
the spectacle.
Eurasian Spoonbills |
Indian Cormorants |
Flocks of Pintail and
Spot-billed Ducks also contained
smaller numbers of Common Teal and Garganey which took flight as we sailed
by. Raptors included several Brahminy
Kites, an Osprey and best of
all, a superb Grey-headed Fish-eagle
which was perched prominently on one of the numerous dead trees protruding from
the water.
Osprey |
Grey-headed Fish-eagle |
On the grassy banks herds of Spotted
Deer also included some Sambar,
along with a few Wild Boar, however
the Asian
Elephants stole the show. Several groups were seen digging up the
grass for food, and one small herd included a young baby!
Asian Elephant |
Asian Elephant |
As we watched this
one particular group a Malabar Pied Hornbill flew over and gave really
nice views against the clear blue sky.
Malabar Pied Hornbill |
However, probably the best sighting this
afternoon were of the 3 Small Pratincoles perched on a bank beside the
water and were a species I had not expected to see on this tour.
Small Pratincoles |
We also saw Stork-billed and Lesser Pied Kingfishers as well. As the light began to fade huge
flocks of River Terns congregated
over the water, which made for a spectacular sight and a Brown-headed Gull was seen on one of the small islands. So by the
end of the day we had seen 116 species, our biggest day total by far and by now had
seen 98 endemics of varying degree! Not bad going, and we’d break the 100
barrier tomorrow as well…
well done with the Patincoles - add it to your "we will see this species" list when you do your next tour...wink wink