my opinion this was our best morning game drive so far as we started the day
with African Golden Oriole at the
lodge, 3 Double-banded
Sandgrouse and some Southern Red-billed Hornbills beside the road,
followed by a magnificent male Lion striding out of the bush towards us and
passing within 3 metres of our vehicle!
Double-banded Sandgrouse |
Ok the deal with
Lions is if you’ve never seen one before then they are quite impressive,
however most views are of animals lounging around under a tree, doing nothing.
But we’ve been lucky so far to see them on the move and doing something, but
this animal was the best of the lot. Whether it was the scenery behind him, the
fact he walked within 3 metres of our vehicle or both I don’t know, but I can
tell you my heart was racing!
Our best sighting of Lion - magnificent! |
Lovely scenery.... |
The scenery was pure Africa with wide
open horizons dotted with acacias and huge expanses of grassland with numerous
animals grazing. Superb! Several flocks of Burchell’s
Sandgrouse came down to drink at a waterhole, a Brown-crowned Tchagra appeared, a couple of Marabou Storks were standing in a marsh, a fine Bateleur drifted over, and we also had
nice looks at Scaly-feathered
Quite evocative hearing these Burchell's Sandgrouse flying around us.. |
Scaly-feathered Finch |
Red-billed Queleas |
the large lake we found our first Southern
Pochard, whilst a non-breeding plover took some working out but appeared to
be a Pacific Golden Plover – a very
rare bird here. At the far end a Saddle-billed Stork
was a great sighting, whilst another Great
Spotted Cuckoo was also nice.
Saddle-billed Stork |
also had this morning a Red-necked
Falcon, White-backed Vulture,
pair of Lappet-faced Vultures on a
nest, numerous Kori Bustards, 2
distant Blue Cranes, Kittlitz’s Plover, more Temminck’s Coursers, Whiskered Tern, African Spoonbill, Glossy
Ibis, flocks of Red-billed Quelea,
Yellow Canary and Wattled Starling.
Temminck's Courser |
Ostrich |
Namutoni fort we walked out to the waterhole but it was very quiet, although both
Red and Yellow-crowned Bishops were nice. At a large fruiting tree we saw
our first Red-faced Mousebird, along
with Long-billed Crombec, Brubru, Black-backed Puffback, Burnt-necked
Eremomela, Pearl-spotted Owlet, and
another African Scops Owl.
afternoon safari started off quiet but I most remember it for the number of Spotted Hyenas
we found. The first one at a waterhole was something of a surprise, then
another one came in and circled some Zebras
before walking away.
Spotted Hyena |
A huge Greater Kudu
was also rather impressive here. On the drive back we came across another hyena
just lounging beside the track, and then we had three more leaving the park.
Helmeted Guineafowl are common |
One of the most common birds in Namibia - Sabota Lark.... |
pair of Tawny Eagles were also
impressive, a Spotted Thick-knee was
a good find, whilst we had more Kori
Bustards & Secretarybirds, a
loose flock of over 40 African Grey
Hornbills was impressive, and near our lodge both Damara Dik-Dik and our first Common
Duiker was nice.
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