The first day on Balang Shan
is always memorable and today was no exception as we found many of the must-see
birds of this incredible mountain. As always, the 4am departure hurt and
arriving before daybreak resulted in what seems the usual heard-only Wood Snipe in the inevitable mist. Must
admit I hate this bird! Anyway, we drove just a few kilometres lower and began
scanning for monals and pheasants. Well, we had numerous White Eared-Pheasants feeding on the hillside above, quickly
followed by a superb Koklass Pheasant
found by Hadyn, calling from a ridge and we had very nice scope views as it
called away for a minute or two before disappearing. There was also Kessler’s Thrush and Northern Goshawk as well. Simon spotted
our first Dark-breasted Rosefinch
perched on top of a nearby pine tree and then, thanks to a tip off from my
friend Sid Francis (, we jumped on the coach and drove up
the road. Setting scopes up on a pair of Chinese Monals feeding in the top of a pine tree
below us has to be one of the major trip highlights. Thanks Sid. A male Golden Bush Robin
was also spotted below us and a real bonus.
Chinese Monals |
We then drove lower in
search of tragopans without any luck and it was quite gloomy in the mist which
was rising from the valley below. So up the mountain we drove and back to the
tunnel area where a Chestnut-crowned
Bush-warbler was singing and showed very nicely. Then a Wallcreeper
appeared and we followed it for a while, getting such great views. As if that
wasn’t enough, a Snow Pigeon flew in and landed above us – way below where it
should have been.
Wallcreeper |
Wallcreeper |
Snow Pigeon |
Driving up to the higher
elevations in search of more ‘chickens’ and we stopped in an area where i’ve
seen snowcocks before. Sure enough one was calling and after a lengthy search
it was Zu who picked it up feeding on the hillside above us. What a bird this
is and another top trip tick – and when you consider the outstanding scenery we
were surrounded by then this was a very memorable encounter. We also saw our
first Grandalas and Alpine Choughs as well here. After
watching the snowcock for maybe half an hour we continued up to the pass at 4347m and searched for Snow Partridges which, judging by other birders comments were just
not around. We walked a fair way but didn’t see any, however did get nice looks
at Brandt’s and Plain Mountain-finches, as well as several Alpine Accentors.
The stunning scenery of Balangshan |
Driving lower birds were
thin on the ground but one particular hillside was alive with singing White-tailed
Rubythroats, recently arrived from wintering grounds. At a random
stop for coffee we picked up a pair of Pink-rumped Rosefinches feeding quietly in some
flowering bushes, and another surprising find was a calling Two-barred Warbler! This latter species
is way off course I think and is on its way to breeding grounds in Siberia.
White-tailed (Himalayan) Rubythroat |
Pink-rumped Rosefinch |
Our last birding session of
the day was just above Rilong where a nice walk along the road resulted in
close views of Black-browed
Tit, and there was also Grey-headed
Bullfinch, Rufous-vented Tit, Hume’s Warbler, and another pair of Przewalski’s Nuthatch.
Black-browed Tit |
What a day!
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