Well the day got off to a good start when Gary and
Gail saw some Clawless Otters in the creek behind our cabins. After a protracted breakfast we headed up to
the main road and once again made an attempt at Rufous-bellied Tit again without any success but did find a
flowering tree full of White-bellied
Sunbirds, along with our first Copper
and Amethyst Sunbirds. Walking back
to the bus we flushed a Black-bellied
Bustard and also saw a Bradfield’s
Drove into Mahango Game Reserve and went down to the
floodplain where there were lots of whistling-ducks and Spur-winged Geese. After several stops and scrambling out of the
minibus to set up scopes we eventually located a group of 5 Wattled Cranes feeding quietly across a
deep channel.
Wattled Cranes |
What a sight they made and we spent quite some time watching them
through the scopes and taking photos.
Black-headed Oriole |
The large trees around us were home to a Pearl-spotted Owlet that was being
mobbed by a Black Scimitarbill, a
pair of Chinspot Batis, Icterine Warbler, some Yellow-throated Petronias and a Black-headed Oriole. Other birds seen
included Common Ostrich, Yellow-billed Stork, African Spoonbill, Western Osprey, several Bateleurs,
Black-breasted Snake-Eagle, Booted Eagle, Tawny Eagle, Bennett’s
Woodpecker, Southern Black Tit and
Banded Martin.
Sable Antelope |
At lunchtime Gail and I were lucky enough to see an
African Finfoot in the creek below
our cabins, whilst an African Goshawk
flew past the restaurant. Unfortunately we couldn’t locate the finfoot despite
staking out the area during the course of our remaining time here.
In the afternoon we returned to Mahango Game Reserve and
drove straight to the flood plain and Charly pulled the ‘rabbit out of the hat’
with a Rufous-bellied Heron that
showed very well. At last! Further scanning in the same area produced a lot of
good birds: 2 Goliath Herons,
several Long-toed Lapwings, Intermediate Egret, another African Skimmer skimming – much to Dave
W’s delight, a flotilla of Hippos
semi-submerged in the lagoon, a huge Nile
Crocodile, a Monitor Lizard, our
closest African Openbill, Hamerkop, Sacred Ibis, lots of Collared
Pratincoles, Brown Snake Eagle, and
a few Jameson’s Firefinches spotted
by Roberta….
African Openbill |
An African Skimmer Skimming.... |
Snoozing Hippos |
Hippos Awake |
Red-billed Spurfowl |
A superb Verreaux’s Eagle
Owl was spotted by Garry as we drove out of the park and allowed some good
photo opps.
Verreaux's Eagle Owl |
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