A great day began with a drive along some dry
forest and fields and this resulted eventually in a good sighting of the
endemic Black-chested Sparrow
singing from a perch on the grassy slope above us, after a bit if a runaround. They aren't the best photos in the world but the views were pretty decent and thats what matters...
Black-chested Sparrow - another Mexican endemic |
I was amazed at the number of Orange-breasted
Buntings here too and we also saw Stripe-headed
Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, and along
the river Yellow-crowned Night-Herons,
Neotropic Cormorant and a Ringed Kingfisher.
Volcan de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) |
Then we drove up to
the recently and apparently continuously erupting Volcan de Fuego where along
the lower slopes (the upper roads were closed) we thoroughly enjoyed our
crippling views of a group of Spotted
Spotted Wren - Mexican endemic |
Moving up and we discovered a fruiting tree with several Brown-backed Solitaires and Gray Silky-Flycatchers feeding.
Brown-backed Solitaire |
We also
saw Cassin’s Kingbird, Cooper’s Hawk, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, and a showy Canyon Wren. A side road really produced the goods with some
confiding and stunning Vermillion Flycatchers
we spent some time with, and a flowering tree held loads of common warblers as
well as our first Slate-throated
Whitestart and further up a few West
Mexican Chachalacas as well. But I cannot tell you the exhilaration when,
after some searching, Bill exclaimed “roadrunner, roadrunner, roadrunner…”.
Holy Cow it was a Lesser Roadrunner
sitting on a rock some 30 metres away calling back at my ipod. We lapped up the
views, fired off a few photos and high-fived.! Perfect!
Lesser Roadrunner - oh yes...! |
After a lengthy lunch with live music and pretty
girl singers we explored the lowlands and found a pair of Rufous-naped Wrens and a Laughing
Falcon along with Hammond’s
Flycatcher and Cassin’s Vireo.
We ended the day watching the sunset at La Cumbre before calling in a Balsas Screech Owl that showed very
well for a minute before flying off. And we were off too…!
The Mexican endemic Balsas Screech-Owl |
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