Saturday 15 June 2024

Japan Flight Delays or Why Did I Choose BA? Or Japan Day 1 - oh wait, it's not!

Well, it's nearly 30 hours since I should have flown to Tokyo..... Had an email & text message from British Airways yesterday telling us our flight was cancelled - and that was less than 24 hours notice before we were due to fly. WTAF! Anyway, i'm writing this in the British Airways lounge quaffing beer waiting for the Japan Airlines flight in a couple of hours. So Mrs B and I have missed our first day in Tokyo but nothing was planned anyway as we wanted a day to rest before hitting the road. So i've rejigged the start of our trip (Mrs B is unaware it's not a holiday!!!) and missing a bit of culture to get to the first birding site on time..... 

Anyway, Japan as a whole has a potential 55 lifers for yours truly, although on this visit i've a target of 35 - that depends on what seabirds are around at this weird time of year. A month earlier and i'd be looking at a few more I think but would be ecstatic with 35. I do have some anxiety about how this is going to pan out and haven't had much time to revise as i've only been back from Mongolia for a week. But we are off and i'm going to give it a shot. 

Revision time at the airport lounge.....

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