This morning we found ourselves stood on the tip of Pelee
Point (the southernmost point of Canada) witness to an amazing reverse
migration. Literally thousands of birds were heading south across Lake Erie
this morning in a mind-boggling display of mass movement that, I must admit, I
find hard to comprehend. The bulk of the species were Baltimore Orioles,
Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackles and Brown-headed Cowbirds. There were
smaller numbers of many passerines including Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, Yellow
and Black-throated Blue Warblers. Many Indigo Buntings were caught up in the
frenzy, along with 200+ Cedar Waxwings, House Finches, Bobolinks and an Eastern
Meadowlark. It truly was a sight to behold and the passage took maybe two hours
to run its course. So coupled with that was a huge arrival of regular spring
migrants all across the peninsula, no doubt due to the warm weather and
south-westerly wind.
Canada Warbler |
Walking around the point itself produced a confiding Canada Warbler,
which gave point-blank views, along with Blackburnian, several Parulas,
the first Scarlet Tanagers for days, Clay-coloured Sparrow, and others. It was late
morning by now so we caught the tram back to the Visitors Centre for an early
lunch, and boy was it hot right now! Then we began walking along the Woodland
Trail when it became apparent to us that there were far more birds around than
we’d experienced here so far. Immediately we had another Bay-breasted Warbler,
followed by a Blackpoll Warbler and even a Worm-eating Warbler.
Kirtland's Warbler |
Just then a
bunch of guys began running along the path to the car park – a Kirtland’s
Warbler had been sighted further up the peninsula. So we joined in and drove up
to the northwest beach car park where a big crowd of birders were gathered, and
sure enough there it was. An awesome Kirtland’s Warbler feeding along the main park
road and we had great views as it fed reasonably high up in the trees bordering
the marsh. A fine male Cape May Warbler also appeared whilst we were here.
Worm-eating Warbler |
So it was all downhill from now and on returning to the Woodland
Trail, the Worm-eating
Warbler showed even better, but I couldn’t help thinking we should
be elsewhere. When news came in of a Prothonotary Warbler back where we’d just
been it was decision made and we drove back up the road and called into the
Sleepy Hollow and then Blue Heron Trails. Quite a few warblers were around and I
particularly enjoyed a pair of American Redstarts.
Kirtland's Warbler |
We walked up the road to see
the Kirtland’s Warbler again and got even better views than before – but no
Prothonotary. I have to say the behaviour of the birders here was disgusting
and not an ounce of common sense or respect for the bird was shown. I mean
talking in extremely loud voices about total crap when the bird is in the tree
right in front of you isn’t the way to do things. And don’t get me started on
their dress sense – but more of that in a later post. Anyway, when we first
arrived the Kirtland’s was feeding low down because the few birders present
were quiet, but as the crowd got bigger so did the corresponding noise level and
the bird retreated to the high canopy again. Not rocket science is it?
Short-billed Dowitchers |
Leaving here we had an early dinner before getting to
Hillman’s Marsh to view 700+ Short-billed Dowitchers, 2 White-rumped
Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plover, Wilson's Phalarope etc. Only wish we'd got here an hour earlier, as the spectacle of all these waders was very impressive. A
roding American Woodcock at dusk was a fine way to end a great day.