Well we have arrived in Canada on our short, private tour of the migration hotspots along the northern shore of Lake Erie. Last evening we visited the falls in lovely sunshine but this morning it was
quite misty and dull, so instead of
hanging around we drove straight to Long Point. But along the way we saw our
first Bald Eagle sat in a dead tree,
Wild Turkey, lots of Turkey Vultures, Mourning Doves, Red-winged
Blackbirds, American Robins, and
Common Grackles.
Once at the Obs at
Long Point we quickly started notching up goodies and it was all very exciting.
The feeders across the road held both White-throated
and White-crowned Sparrows, Northern Cardinal, Grey Catbird, Downy
Woodpecker, American Goldfinch, Black-capped Chickadee, and a male Eastern Towhee.
Downy Woodpecker |
American Robin |
Eastern Towhee |
Grey Catbird |
Northern Cardinal |
However, the news was
not good here and according to local birders it was exceedingly quiet. I really
love to be told this and was more determined than ever to dig out some cool
birds and was initially quite excited by our first Yellow Warbler – but 50 birds later and they had become a nuisance.
Yet walking around the area did produce at least 3 Nashville Warblers, 4+ Yellow-rumped
Warblers, 2 Red-breasted Nuthatches,
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Chipping Sparrow, an Ovenbird, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, House Finch, Brown-headed
Cowbird, Blue Jay and Viv had an
American Redstart as well. Back at
the car park and we added a stonking male Blackburnian
Warbler to our tally, as well as Blue-grey
Gnatcatchers and 3 Warbling Vireos.
Red-breasted Nuthatch |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
we scoffed some lunch we had purchased at the wonderful Tim Horton’s in Simcoe
earlier (and had Chimney Swifts
flying over) and then twitched the reported Harris’s Sparrow down at the park. I don’t really like chasing
other people’s birds but this sounded a good bet. Sure enough we nailed the
sucker in double-quick time as it fed with some White-crowned Sparrows along the road – and we also got a Field Sparrow into the bargain as well.
Harris's Sparrow |
Field Sparrow |
White-crowned Sparrow |
So with that done we drove back to the Obs, where a Song Sparrow was coming into the feeders and then drove off. Our last
birding stop of the day was at a watchtower overlooking a marsh where we had 3 Sandhill Cranes, American Bittern, 2 Lesser
Scaup, Canada Goose, Mute Swan and a Swamp Sparrow. Finishing the day with a very well marked Yellow-rumped Warbler in the trees opposite
the car park was almost bettered by hearing American Woodcocks roding behind the Pelee Day Inn as we finally
crashed out after a long and tiring day.
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