Monday, 19 October 2015

Daan Viljoen to Waterberg Plateau Park

At 6.30am we met up beside the minibus and walked a short distance along the road and I’m pleased to report that we had excellent scope views of a Rockrunner perched on a huge boulder   on the slope above us. We watched it singing for quite some time before heading back and after a predominantly quiet session then found a pair of Green-winged Pytilias, another Pearl-spotted Owlet, Golden-breasted and Cape Buntings, Violet-eared Waxbill, and a pair of non-breeding Long-tailed Paradise-Whydahs

Pearl-spotted Owlet

Upon reaching the minibus that was parked right beside our rooms, a Carp’s Black Tit appeared and proceeded to give very nice views, and at the same spot a Brubru appeared as well. As we walked to breakfast a Gabar Goshawk swooped into an acacia and took what was probably a Red-billed Quelea.

Carp's Black Tit


Carp's Black Tit

Following a very nice breakfast we headed out of the park, stopping to see a group of Giraffes feeding beside the road before setting out on the long drive to the Waterberg Plateau. Along the way we made several stops to look at White-backed and Lappet-faced Vultures, Damara and Monteiro’s Hornbills and Brown Snake-Eagle, before taking a picnic lunch in the shade of a big Acacia tree.  A pair of Kalahari Scrub-Robins performed well nearby and there was also our first Marico Sunbird here, plus another Brubru flew in. 

Continuing on through the heat of the day we paused to look at Pale Chanting Goshawks, a pair of Cape Vultures flying over, and as we approached the base of the plateau several Pale-winged and Burchell’s Starlings. As we waited to check-in an African Hoopoe gave point-blank views before we drove up to our bungalows and enjoyed a nice hour’s rest. 

Verreaux's Eagles

White-browed Scrub-Robin

Afterwards we checked out the surrounding area below the cliffs where a pair of Verreaux’s Eagles were constantly on view. It took some time but eventually we located a group of 4 Violet Wood-Hoopoes that flew around us several times, perching briefly and calling loudly back at us. A pair of White-browed Scrub-Robins were also found in the bushes nearby.

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