We returned to
the Black Valley of the Gunnison this morning, seeing another 2 Dusky Grouse, but our attention was
somewhat distracted by the awesome views of the canyon.
Black Canyon of the Gunnison |
Cracking views of White-throated Swift and Violet-green Swallow were appreciated
by all, and there was also a Sharp-shinned
Hawk flying by, Audubon’s Warbler,
brief Virginia’s Warbler, Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglet, Mountain
and Western Bluebirds, Townsend’s Solitaire, displaying Wild Turkey, close male Northern Harrier, many Woodhouse’s Scrub Jays, Mountain Chickadee, Bushtit, White-breasted Nuthatch, Cassin’s
Finch, Green-tailed Towhee, as
well as some other commoner species.
Mountain Bluebird |
Spotted Towhee |
Western Bluebird |
Leaving here we
drove to Gunnison where Brewer’s Sparrow
and Sage Thrasher were seen, before
we drove over Monarch Pass and scored with views of 5 Clark’s Nutcrackers.
Clark's Nutcracker |
The drive to Dillon
was truly spectacular with snow-capped mountains, deep-sided valleys and clear
blue skies. My words can’t do this justice at all.
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