We were told when we arrived yesterday that Serra Bonita was having a drought and we need to conserve our water for showers etc. Well today it poured down with several very heavy showers whilst we were out on the trails. Anyway, the day began with a Short-tailed Nighthawk flying around the clearing near our rooms and walking to the main building for breakfast a Barred Forest-Falcon showed pretty well in the early morning gloom.
Barred Forest-Falcon |
After breakfast a 4-wheel drive took us up to the radar tower and we began walking down the road, and low and behold the first bird was the endemic Bahia Tyrannulet. Nearby a Sharpbill was sitting out in the open, a Three-striped Flycatcher didn’t want to be seen and a Reddish Hermit was equally elusive.
The first Sharpbill of the day |
Continuing on a Surucua Trogon appeared, along with Yellow-legged Thrush, endemic Grey-hooded Attila at last, endemic Yellow-lored Tody-Flycatcher, and a male Spot-billed Toucanet was displaying over the road.
Spot-billed Toucanet in the mist |
We then followed an excellent trail and at a clearing we saw our first endemic Azure-shouldered Tanager, as well as Lemon-chested Greenlet, female Green-backed Trogon, Buff-throated Saltator, Variegated Flycatcher, Black Jacobin, endemic Sombre Hummingbird, Long-tailed Tyrant, and two more Sharpbills.
Green-backed Trogon |
Another Sharpbill |
The trail wound its way through excellent forest and we hadn’t gone very far before coming across a pair of the elusive endemic Pink-legged Graveteiro feeding in the canopy above us. Wow!
Pink-legged Graveitero - endemic |
We’d looked hard for this bird yesterday and here we were getting pretty decent views. Next up was Black-capped Foliage-Gleaner that shot off before everyone could get on it. But when Ciro heard an endemic White-bibbed Antbird calling we couldn’t have expected to get such stunning views of this forest floor skulker, but this bird just sang away from its spot beside the trail and gave awesome views.
White-bibbed Antbird - endemic |
At the same time a Short-tailed Antthrush began singing and this too posed very nicely indeed from its song perch. Wow again!
Short-tailed Antthrush |
A short time later we had another White-bibbed Antbird displaying beside the track, puffing his white mantle feathers up and bowing up and down. Unbelievable!
White-bibbed Antbird |
The walk back to the lodge began to get quieter and the showers seemed to have stopped, but we still saw a pair of Spot-billed Toucanets along the way before Vito picked us up and took us to lunch.
Crescent-chested Puffbird - endemic |
Grey-hooded Attila - endemic |
The afternoon session was quieter but we still enjoyed views of Crescent-chested Puffbird, White-necked Thrush,Lesser Woodcreeper, Black-throated Grosbeak, Grey-hooded Attila, and best of all a Mantled Hawk that we saw a couple of times.