We left our lovely hotel at the edge of Jardin town square and went to Finca Bambusa for breakfast, which is actually Jose’s mothers house. Upon arrival we could see there were some feeders in the garden and they attracted a pair of Blue-necked, lots of Palm, a pair of White-lined and a few Scrub Tanagers, Thick-billed Euphonia, Ruddy Ground-Dove, and a Clay-coloured Thrush.
Blue-necked Tanager |
Clay-coloured Thrush |
Ruddy Ground Dove |
Around the edges of the garden there were Social and Streaked Flycatchers, Great Kiskadee and a Squirrel Cuckoo. The hummer feeders enticed Steely-vented, Western Emerald and for a short period a superb Green Hermit fed.
Green Hermit |
Western Emerald |
A major surprise was the family of endemic Colombian Chachalacas that came in twice to feed. Wow! Oh and we also dashed down the lane to see a pair of endemic Parker’s Antbirds too.
Colombian Chachalaca |
Tearing ourselves away after a fine breakfast we drove down the lane and found at least 9 Bronze-winged Parrots feeding in some nearby trees, before heading out on the long drive to Medellin.
Bronze-winged Parrot |
Along the way we stopped along the road and surprisingly found quite a few new trip birds such as Chivi Vireo, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-margined Flycatcher, Ruddy-breasted Seedeater, Golden-crowned Warbler, Common Tody-Flycatcher and even our first Turkey Vulture. An endemic Greyish Piculet also appeared, before we homed in on another two endemics. First up was a pair of Apical Flycatchers, followed by a skulky Antioquia Wren which took a bit of finding.
And then we set out on the 4 hour drive to Medellin, arriving with just an hour to spare before our flight to Barranquilla. Upon arrival we drove straight to our hotel and enjoyed another fine meal in a nearby restaurant. There’s no way any of us are losing weight on this tour!
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