We birded the mid-elevations of Tatama NP this morning in beautiful clear blue skies and found the beautiful forest much busier than yesterday.
Dusky Chlorospingus (Bush-Tanager) |
We spent the first hour of the day at an overlook where we took our field breakfast and birds kept appearing. Beginning with several close Dusky Bush-Tanagers, there was also a pair of Orange-breasted Fruiteaters, Yellow-vented Woodpecker, several groups of Black-chinned Mountain-Tanagers, a pair of Rufous-crested Tanagers, Gold-ringed Tanager, Handsome Flycatcher, a family of Yellow-collared Chlorophonias, a pair of Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonias, Black-throated Tody-Tyrant, Grey-throated Toucanet, and we even tracked down a feeding group of stunning Black Solitaires.
The fabulous forest of Montezuma |
Black Solitaire |
Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager |
We began walking down from here and found several feeding flocks which added species such as Pacific Tuftedcheek, White-winged Becard, Choco Vireo, Scaly-throated Foliage-Gleaner, Wedge-billed Woodcreeper, Yellow-breasted Antwren, and Indigo Flowerpiercerto our ever growing list. There was also some scope views of a displaying Club-winged Manakin too. We also had further views of previously seen species such as Glistening-green Tanager, Golden-collared Honeycreeper, Golden-crowned and Ornate Flycatchers, Rufous-throated, Black-and-gold and Gold-ringed Tanagers etc. Just before jumping into the cars and returning to the lodge for lunch we came across a group of stunning Crested Ant-Tanagers and a couple Olive Finches. I think everyone agreed it had been a good morning.
Olive Finch |
At the lodge feeders we added Green Thorntail, Slaty Spinetail and Bar-crested Antshrike as well.
Bar-crested Antshrike |
Green Thorntail |
Our late afternoon session was a bit on the slow side but we still saw the endemic Tatama Tapaculo, which showed a couple of times and a brief Parker’s Antbird. A flock along the river held more Crested Ant-Tanagers, Olive Finch, Yellow-vented Woodpecker, Choco Brushfinch and other previously seen species. After dinner a Tropical Screech-Owl was seen beside the restaurant.
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