rather slow morning’s birding along the trails began with a Chestnut-tipped Toucanet near the
lodge, followed by very brief views of Amethyst
Woodstar. As we entered the trails it began to rain but this didn’t deter
us and we had Black-goggled Tanager,
Chestnut-vented Conebill, Tropical Pewee, brief Yungas Manakin, Masked Trogon and Plain Antvireo. A pair of Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaners were
feeding along the river and a Channel-billed
Toucan called from the treetops. As we slowly headed back a White-backed
Fire-eye gave outstanding views, and Ochre-faced Spinetail was typically elusive and Streaked Xenops and was also seen.
Masked Trogon
lunchtime and during heavy rain we had a flock in a big tree across the river
which held a pair of lovely Blue-browed
Tanagers, Yellow-olive and Pale-edged Flycatchers, Rough-legged Tyrannulet and White-winged Becard along with some
commoner species. The tree outside our rooms held a White-bellied Hummingbird and a probable Sapphire-spangled Emerald as well. With dark clouds overhead it
wasn’t long before the rain came back after a short break, so in the meadow we
had a Masked Yellowthroat, a flock
of Hooded Siskins and a Giant Cowbird.
Los Volcanes
Walking along the dirt
road it was very frustrating as we had to take shelter from several heavier
than normal downpours but we still managed Squirrel
Cuckoo, White-necked Thrush, Two-banded Warbler, and Swainson’s Thrush.
White-backed Fire-eye
So by now we had had
enough and walked back to the lodge and sure enough the weather cleared up! So
after a bit of phaffing we decided to return to this morning’s trails – a
brilliant move as it turned out. First of all a startlingly bright crimson White-winged Tanager was scoped at the
top of a tree and then a random piece of good fortune saw everyone get Grey Tinamou onto their lists! It was quite funny really, as whilst the others were struggling with a manakin I walked around the next bend in the trail and BANG!! there was the tinamou. John was nearby so i motioned to him to come over and we followed it along the trail, and the stupid bird didn't have the gumption to run off into the forest. So I raced back and got everybody else who then legged it along the trail in hot pursuit of one of the dumbest birds on the planet. Amazingly, they all caught up with the bird which had criss-crossed several trails and didn't stray off into the forest. So I took the short cut back to the lodge and not only bumped into the same individual or another Grey Tinamou but also had Brown Tinamou as well. Not too
shabby huh!
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