Thursday, 5 March 2015

Thailand Round Up..... Part 2....

Further searching of the salt pans and lagoons revealed more waders and one of my personal favourites - Broad-billed Sandpiper showed really well....

Broad-billed Sandpiper

We also went out to the sandbar at Laem Phak Bia and saw Malaysian and White-faced Plovers, as well as this Chinese Egret - a rubbish photo..!

Chinese Egret

The regular flock of Asian Dowitchers had been tricky to locate, but we eventually did find them in a distend pond. After walking closer we managed decent views of them, but then noticed one of the dowitchers had noticeably barred flanks... This was the previously reported Long-billed Dowitcher, another Thai rarity but couldn't get close enough for a decent photo....

Spot the Long-billed Dowitcher...

We also found a Milky Stork with what looked like a hybrid Painted x Milky Stork in the same large gathering of egrets beside the road.... Classified as Endangered by BirdLife International, this is an increasingly hard bird to find these days. Oh and we also saw a Black-faced Spoonbill a short while later as well. What a day!

Milky Stork

Milky Stork

This is the hybrid with dark feathers...

Milky Stork

A clear view of the Milky Stork

Just a small part of the huge egret flock...

Loved the fine close views of a colony of Asian Golden Weavers...

There was a nice close colony of Asian Golden Weavers beside the road.

We also came across a breeding plumaged Javan Pond Heron.....

Javan Pond Heron

And we ended a great trip with a spot of raptor watching with Greater Spotted Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Black-shouldered Kite, Black-eared Kite and a juv Pied Harrier....

Greater Spotted Eagle
And that was it, and in 11 days birding the northern mountains and a quick trip to the wader heaven that is Petchaburi Province we saw 356 species of bird. Not a bad haul at all and we managed to find a bucket load of quality birds, but for me the Hodgson's Frogmouth was the star bird....

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