The great thing about being based at Sierra Vista
is that all of the birding sites are pretty close and within a 30 minute drive
of motel. And one of our major target birds we are keen to nail straight away
is Spotted Owl. So we drive just 20
minutes or so to the turn off to Miller Canyon and drive up a dirt track to the
end of the road. It seems that most people tick off this owl here and with a
world population of just 15,000 individuals and a declining western USA
population this is an
important bird to find.
Mexican Spotted Owl |
The birds in SE Arizona are of
the southern race S. o. lucida race
known as Mexican Spotted Owl and a
potential split. I must admit I’ve seen one before in California, so this was
just an ‘insurance’ tick for me but a lifer for everyone else. So we enter
Beatty’s Guest Ranch where Tom Beatty snr gives us directions to the usual
roosting sites, although the high winds are a potential problem as the birds
tends to move into denser cover in these conditions. So we hike up the canyon,
which is quite steep but the rocky trail eventually levels out and we reach the
first owl spot after about a mile’s walk. Well there’s nothing here except some
droppings showing where the birds roost was, so we continue walking upwards to
the next spot. Here too we draw a blank until Tom Beatty Snr appears and asks
if we’ve seen the owl. Apparently we’ve walked right past it and drop back down
the trail where sure enough there’s the owl, perched in a reasonably leafless
tree right beside the track! How the heck did we miss that? To be fair we were
looking in the denser trees away from the trail and not right on the trail and
another couple of British birders have also walked past it, so it wasn’t just
us!! But what a bird and we soak up every detail as it lounges on an exposed
Painted Redstart |
With that done we hike higher but the wind isn’t
making it easy yet we enjoy nice looks at the usual Sky Island species such as Painted Redstart, Red-faced Warbler and Plumbeous
Vireo etc. Some roving flocks hold several Townsend’s, Black-throated Grey
and a skulking Virginia’s Warbler, as
well as Hepatic Tanager.
Arizona Woodpecker |
A fine Arizona Woodpecker shows well and is
only our second sighting of the trip and is the last bird seen before we decide
to walk back down the trail. A White-nosed
Coati is a surprising sighting, and there’s also Canyon Wren, Cordilleran
Flycatcher, and two lifers eventually appear – Greater Pewee and Buff-breasted
White-nosed Coati |
Once we get back to the ranch we take a look at the feeders and
take a seat and wait. Several Magnificent
Hummingbirds are joined by the common Broad-billed
Hummer, and after a while we see Broad-tailed
& Black-chinned Hummers, then an
Anna’s appears, followed by my lifer
Rufous Hummingbird. Sadly we are too
early for White-eared Hummer so
leave and head over to Ash Canyon and yet more feeders, seeing Rock Wren along the way.
Magnificent Hummingbird |
Broad-billed Hummingbird |
Broad-tailed Hummingbird |
Rufous Hummingbird |
Some people do not like the idea of ticking birds off
at feeding stations but I’ve got no problem at all with it. It’s no difference
to having a bird table I your garden is it? And with the lure of a Lucifer Hummingbird on offer we are
certainly ‘up for it’.
Lucifer Hummingbird |
Once we find the right place, we take a seat and within
10 minutes the bird flies in and begins to feed – a cracking male Lucifer Hummingbird. Wow! It isn’t here
long and is soon just a memory so we move to the other seating area overlooking
a number of bird tables and feeding apparatus. Here we enjoy Scott’s Orioles, Bushtit, more commoner hummers, Mexican Jays, Acorn
Woodpecker, Black-headed Grosbeak,
Bewick’s Wren and other common
species. It’s a lovely way to while away an hour or so in the lovely sunshine,
and we also see a female Lucifer Hummer
as well as the male again. With all targets met we decide to head back to
Sierra Vista for an early finish.
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