This was a bit of a funny day as we’d pretty well
cleaned up on almost all available trip ticks. It started in Tilden Woods first
thing which was productive for a lot of the commoner breeding species, then at
the tip which was very windy and birdless so we returned for coffee at the
Visitor Centre. Then we walked the Woodland trail and had a pair of Blue-winged Teal, Yellow-throated and Philadelphia
Vireos, and Blackpoll Warbler
amongst others, but we were on the lookout for waterthrushes which just seemed
to be eluding us.
Blue-winged Teal |
Magnolia Warbler is getting commoner... |
Swainson's Thrush |
So we headed back to the Marsh Boardwalk and after
a bit of effort we finally nailed Northern
Waterthrush -thank goodness! There were lots of other goodies around and as
well as the more commoner species there was a fine Bay-breasted and even more Cape
Mays seen before returning to VC.
After lunch we returned to Tilden Woods and had a
great time with the now long-staying Worm-eating
Warbler watched feeding beside the trail.
Worm-eating Warbler |
Nearby a Mourning Warbler showed very well for this often tricky species but
defied attempts at getting photo, and
this area was literally dripping with birds. There was Black-throated Blue, Chestnut-sided,
Blackburnian, Nashville, Palm, Ovenbird, Grey-cheeked Thrush and a Winter
Wren. The benefits of standing in one place and letting the birds come to
us were plain to see and you really don’t have to keep on yomping around the
Chestnut-sided Warbler has become ridiculously common now... |
Nashville Warbler |
Couldn't resist one final photo of Blackburnian Warbler |
Then we left to go for an early dinner before
heading to Hillman Marsh just 10 minutes away. It was getting late but shortly
after we arrived a pair of Sandhill
Cranes flew in – a great bonus.
Sandhill Cranes |
There were also several Short-billed Dowitchers, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Dunlin, American Wigeon, Canvasback
and Redhead. The lagoon behind us
had a pair of Ring-necked Ducks and Wood Duck, and an immature Bald Eagle flew over.
American Woodcock |
And we saved the
best for last, as at an open area on the way back to the motel we finished the
day with acrippling views of several displaying American Woodcocks. Holy cow!
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