Well we eventually got our rental SUV back by 11am, but before that we walked up to a local park in search of a reported Wood Duck. Alas, there were no ducks but we did find Alder and Least Flycatchers, a few Red-eyed Vireos, Cedar Waxwings and many Grey Catbirds. Once we had loaded the car we headed over to Bowdoin NWR and drove the loop trail searching for Baird’s Sparrow but despite a few close calls all we got were numerous Grasshopper, Song, Vesper, Savannah and Clay-coloured Sparrows.
Savannah Sparrow |
We also saw plenty of Wilson’s Phalaropes, California Gulls, Willet, American Avocet, Marbled Godwit, a Burrowing Owl, both Western and Eastern Kingbirds, a distant Prairie Falcon, several superb Lark Buntings and other common birds.
Blue-winged Teal |
Burrowing Owl |
Wilson's Phalarope |
On the drive out we flushed a Sharp-tailed Grouse. We left here and drove to our hotel in Glasgow – we were meant to be in Jamestown tonight but after the car fiasco still needed some very important birds here. After a quick dinner we drove some 30 minutes out into the prairies in search of Thick-billed Longspur, which we eventually found coming to drink at a roadside pool. With the sun setting way too quickly for our liking we managed to scope several birds coming in to drink and it was a really superb experience watching these tricky-to-find birds in this vast, open landscape.
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