Left the Salt Lake City area early doors and drove to Bear Creek Migratory Bird Reserve where a quick check of the Visitor Centre resulted in 7 Sandhill Cranes (a key target for my group), a displaying Common Yellowthroat, lots of Yellow-headed Blackbirds and a pair of Great-tailed Grackles.
Yellow-headed Blackbird is pretty common around here! |
Then we drove over to the auto tour loop and began with very close views of Clark’s and Western Grebes right beside us.
Here's a good comparison of 2 Western and a single Clark's Grebe |
Clark's Grebes |
Western Grebe |
On the loop, Marsh Wrens showed repeatedly along with Savannah Sparrow, Black-necked Stilts, American Avocets, Northern Harrier, American Coot, Double-crested Cormorants, American White Pelicans, Wilson’s Phalaropes, and a very late Trumpeter Swan.
American Avocet |
Cinnamon Teal |
Cliff Swallows were nesting on the garage door of a large farm building |
Double-crested Cormorant |
Marsh Wrens were very common |
Pied-billed Grebe |
This Trumpeter Swan should be many hundreds of miles further north by now.... |
American White Pelicans |
Then we drove a couple of hours into Idaho and headed up into the Albion Hills where snow was still causing the road to be closed up into the campground where I had hoped to visit. As we headed up, a roadside stop produced Orange-crowned Warbler, Mountain Bluebird, and a pair of Black-headed Grosbeaks. However, despite the closed road we nailed Cassia Crossbill easily and we also saw Mountain Chickadee, very close Red-breasted Nuthatch, Pine Siskin, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and a Slate-coloured Junco.
Record shot of Cassia Crossbill |
Walking up the road to the snowline and a Dusky Flycatcher showed well, with another Cassia Crossbill seen as we walked back downhill. Lower down we found a pair of cracking Red-naped Sapsuckers, along with Cassin’s Finches, Willow Flycatcher, Northern Flicker, and some confiding Western Tanagers. One final stop a the base of the hills gave us Hairy Woodpecker and a pair of Hammond’s Flycatchers before we drove to our next motel around 30 minutes away. And tonight we decided to have a night off from owling and catch up on some much-needed sleep.
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